By Dr. Florence Bacabac, WRC Director

The DSU Women's Resource Center will hold a mentoring workshop, "Reverse Mentoring, Speed Mentoring, and Micro-Internships: Emerging Trends to Help Close the Gender and Wage Gap with Proven Pedagogical Benefits to Both the Mentor and Mentee," on Wednesday, September 25th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Holland 535.  Guest speaker is Dr. Shandon Gubler, Professor of Business Management/Finance at the DSU College of Business. Everyone is welcome and early birds will get free lunch. Dr. Gubler currently serves as board of director for Waterfall Mountain, LLC and has co-founded the following companies: Agilix Labs, Inc., Split Rock, Inc., Merasoft, Inc., among others. He is also a recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award from Dixie State University in 2018. Dr. Gubler believes that Reverse Mentoring places a younger, usually less experienced person with defined skills, in the role of teaching those defined skills to an older seasoned executive. This exposure often causes the seasoned executive to invite the younger person to then teach those same defined skills to multiple other peer executives in one-on-one settings over a short period of time (speed mentoring). This broadened exposure then often leads to an invitation being extended to the less experienced person by one or more of the seasoned executives to engage in a micro-internship, a focused, short-term, specific project. The final outcome of this experience is often a promotion or pay advancement for the younger person. This process has proven to be exceptionally effective for women to engage to advance their careers in positive and productive ways. During Dr. Gubler’s presentation, he will share an effective way for women to engage this process immediately with great success. The DSU Women’s Resource Center’s goal is to facilitate access to resources, mentoring, and scholarships available to women across the disciplines. We organize campus events with professional resource speakers and work with community partners to offer additional support. Our overall mission is to help women achieve their academic and professional goals.